Achieve AI-powered
Inbox Zero
from just $5 per month!
Finally, there’s a way to take control of your email and eliminate distractions without switching platforms. Create custom and intuitive email AI automations in minutes with InboxFreedom.

Reclaim your well-being
Embrace a healthier relationship with technology and get in control of your inbox.
Become more productive
Boost your productivity with time-saving features like email categorization and snooze.
Achieve inbox zero
The power of AI helps you stop the cycle of email chaos and reach inbox zero.
Restore a sense of
balance in 3 steps
Just connect your email account and you’re ready to go

Connect your email account
Whether you use Microsoft 365, Gmail, ZoHo or any email provider, you can connect to our platform.
Choose your AI automations
Automate repetitive tasks, prioritize important messages and restore a sense of balance to your inbox.
Transform your email workflow
From powerful search and organization capabilities to AI automation, InboxFreedom frees you from stress.
Transform your email
management and start each day
with a calm mind
Pick from 100s of popular pre-defined AI automations

AI Automations
Archive emails where you’re CC’d but not mentioned
Tired of being bombarded with emails where you’re CC’d but not directly involved? Effortlessly declutter your inbox and regain control over your email workflow.
- Focus on what truly matters
- Reduce information overload
- Stay organised and in control

AI Automations
Organise emails
into departments
Automatically sort and label emails according to different departments, making it easier to navigate and locate important messages.
- Streamline communication
- Simplify email management
- Foster efficient collaboration

AI Automations
Auto unsubscribe
from any newsletter
Constantly dealing with an overflowing inbox full of emails you never signed up for? Take the hassle out of manually unsubscribing from unwanted email newsletter.
- Reclaim your time and attention
- Take control of your email privacy
- Enjoy a clutter-free inbox

Custom Filters
Build custom filters
Experience true control with custom filters. Enabling you to create a calmer, more productive environment that works for you.
- Personalize your email management
- Optimise your productivity
- Stay in control of inbox overload